Wednesday 27 March 2019

The effect of sunlight on paints

The effect of sunlight on paints
Surely it is worrying matter to maintain your stained and painted walls continuously because of the damage that may happen to them because of their prolonged exposure to the sunlight. Anybody of us wants to spend at once and forget and most of us don’t want to buy paints every period of time and go to the specialist to apply them on his walls and you know more money will go out from your wallet. So by this way decoration is so costing. But no it is not like that and I will tell you at the end of that essay after discussing how sunlight can effect our paint negatively.
We should understand the harmful components of the sunlight and even which may be existing in the artificial lights of our lamps at home. The first one of it is ultra violet rays UV. Such kind of rays can not be seen i.e. invisible one and its damaging role is in its ability by breaking molecular bonds between the atoms which forms the paint chemicals and pigments. How does that happen ? The electrons which are existing in paints will absorb the UV photons and this will lead them to be ejected from their orbits away from the atoms and so the bonds between the atoms will be broken. The result is a film of chalk over the surface of paints and the surface which is behind the paint will be dried to the degree that it can be easily broken. The surface of paint too will be rippled.
The infra-red rays will do a heating  effect over the surface of paint. The outer layer of paint will dry quickly while the under layer will be softer and a result of that such dried surface will be stressed and make cracks. Also infra-red ray blistering heating will cause the surface of paint to have blisters. Wind and rain will do its job by removing such blisters and so ugly patches on the surface of paints will appear.
Fading of color is a problem too that may happen over years due to the ionization of color which happens as the previous effect we discussed about UV.
Anyway don’t worry as new science in the field of chemistry has invented new products that can withstand the harmful impacts and effects of sunlight. Water-based paints is the solution. They are kind of paints that is mixed with water and after drying will withstand water. The leading Turkish company in water-based paints izoyapi has taken into consideration such problems which tired the customers about the harmful effect of sunlight. They are producing water-based paints , primers and putties that have acrylic surface or plastic or silicone ones. Their products contain chemicals that made their products waterproof as well as sun proof. Varied types of paint. Color your walls and forget for long years till you think to change colors. Their surfaces don’t crack . blister or ripple.   
Check that site :
By Mohammed AbdulHameed

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