Friday 22 March 2019

Your decision for your home decoration

Decorate is to make something more attaractive by putting things on it. Most of us like to appear in a good beautiful appearance just to please ourselves and to feel comfort psychologically or to receive praise and admiration from the others. They will say praising statements like wow! What a beautiful ! Isn’t it like that?! It is an instinctive trait inside the character of everyone of us to see people happy from him or fascinated by his appearance or house or car.
So you will find women trying to put makeup to receive the praising words that they are beautiful. A man will wear the best beautiful clothes to receive praising from people for that. Houses too reflects the social status of its owners , their sense of art . People like to decorate their houses so they can feel proud in front of the others. They will not feel embarrassed to guest anyone to their houses.
While thinking about decorating your house lots of questions will appear like which style should I use paint,wallpaper or EPS decorative wall boards ? Which manufacturer’s material should I use ? How much the expenditures of the materials and costs of applying them ? Actually you should choose which is multipurpose material and from such perspective I speak due to the new innovations in the field of construction , finishing and building materials which added to our thinking more options to think about. In terms of home decoration there should be the insulation purpose of such materials. Everyone of us wants a warm house in winter through the least consumption of energy and same in summer we want a cool room with little hours working of the air-conditioner and fans. So in that point you need a thermal insulation paints or wall boards either for the exterior walls or the interior walls. Didn’t you suffer too from the noise of the outside or the neighbours voice or even inside your flat you need some sort of privacy and you don’t anyone to hear your voice.
So you need a home decorated and insulated at the same time. EPS polystyrene is the key to answer and reply your needs.There are EPS panels for the exterior which will be installed by just mortar or lime mixture in addition to high adhesive material. Their installation is so easier than painting itself or installing the gypsum board or the sandwich insulation boards. I will not express to you how wonderful their look when they are applied on the fascades of your building.
Turkish manufacturers of these EPS decorative materials have good fame in that field. Competitive to them are the Chinese producers. But when it comes to quality surely we may have negative tendency towards buying from china. Turkish products are manufactured according to severe quality standards of their national organization of quality standards TSE and that is beacause they as people are hardworking , serious and seek the pleasure of their customers. Also the Turkish government is giving a great care towards its products to compete in the foreign market. The prices of their products as seen reasonable and cost effective compared to its western counterparts. One of the leading companies in Turkey in such field of decorative insulation wall panels are izoyapı A.Ş . You can see their sites .
So now you are not puzzled anymore of which material to use to decorate your house or which manufacturer or what are the values that you may win from choosing EPS polystyrene.

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